I am just getting started with this and I have done a lot of reading on various web pages about culturing for and by homebrewers. I think I have a fair idea of what to do, hands on is the best way to learn though...
I do have a few things I am unclear on. The first is the goal of preparing slants. I understand that streaking plates is to isolate singular colonies. Slants seem to be more for storage? Why are slants better for storage? What is the goal of a properly prepared slant? What should it be like? I have read about people refering to a "lawn of yeast". Does this mean your aim is to completely cover the top surface of the agar in the slant with yeast? How does one go about this? Meaning, if you apply yeast to the plate with the aim of having the least amount of cells, how do you achieve maximum coverage when aplying to the slant.
Not sure if my questions are clear or not, but hopefully with a bit of discussion we can clear my fog.