I own a business and whenever I post an ad I get a few responses that they will work for me but have no experience. Which means they have no skills and they expect me to provide the training.
My question to you is what skills do you have that makes you qualified to work at a brewery. Drinking beer isn't a qualification.
What skills do you have? Did you go to college or trade school. Do you really want a blue collar job that is hard work? Brewing is a small part of owning a brewery.
Maybe you change your approach and quit whining about why you can't get a job in a brewery as a brewer. I would put my name on the list at one of the brewing schools and get a degree in subject that is a good fit for a brewer.
Your only 24 and I hired kid your age last year and he couldn't keep up with one of my 36 hour days I get to do on occasion and I had to send him home to sleep while I finished up the job. Brewing like any other blue collar job is hard physical work.
I will be opening a brewery one day but I doubt I will be the brewer, there will be many other thinks like cleaning, welding, remodeling and repairing things that my life long resume will be better suited for. Todd
In the interest of trying
not to sound like I'm whining (thanks for that, by the way)...
I went to a 4-year university.
The only appreciable skills I have towards brewing itself is my limited experience in homebrewing.
Yes, I really would enjoy a blue collar job where sweat + long days = satisfaction. I don't like or appreciate white collar working life.
As I wrote above, I'm trying. If homebrewing like a maniac is the best I can afford (financially / logistically) at the moment, that's what I'll do. When I can, I will see if I can add on a second job working for free in a local brewery. Like you said, however, 36-hour work days don't exactly jive with having to have a day job to pay rent and loans.
Also, I'm not expecting to step into brewing without any sort of formal lesson/experience. Starting a brewery takes so much more than the actual brewing, and I know that. Like you, it probably won't be me behind-the-wheel of the brewhouse. But I want to be ready to pitch in wherever I can.
I'm sorry your 24-year old didn't work out. But assuming that I'm anything like that person is like assuming that, since you own your own business, you're probably greedy. I know, because once I had an experience with a greedy business owner. Side-note: in college, I worked 8-hour overnights Mon-Thurs on top of my doing school during the day.
Basically, this is exactly the kind of response that set off my first post (which is over a month old at this point).
Todd, best of luck opening that brewery. That's why we're all here. I hope the initial part of this post went some length to help (before it got off-track).