I think I helped judge that beer at last year's NHC. It was very nice.
I am now enjoying a smoked beer that was made with malt home-smoked over pecan and orange woods. It was roughly in the style of a Vienna Lager, but since I dry hopped it with amarillo, it's more like an APA now. It is possibly the best smoked beer I have made, imho. The hops and the pecan smoke go really well together.
A general rule of thumb for the amount of smoked malt is 20%, but that depends on the intensity of the smoke. I found the Briess cherry wood smoked malt very subdued. I have also made a traditional Rauchbier using 100% Wyerman smoked malt, but it was a bit too intense for all but the real diehard smoke fan.
If smoking at home you'll get the best results if you keep the malt away from the heat.