OK, this is a little over the top, but I have an excuse...which is I love this hobby!
In 2005 when the FORD and Ann Arbor Brewers Guild clubs helped me put together a presentation for Baltimore that required 18 carboys to ferment out 18 different yeast strains, Pat Babcock came to me and said that he could "loan" me 8 of his carboys and 9 of his kegs. He said I would be doing him a favor if I could hold on to them for a little while, as their house was having some renovations being done.
Four years later, I guess i have "adopted" these vessels, and they do come in handy during the peak of my brewing season (coming up shortly). So, I have
5 6.5 gallon (2 with Flanders Red in them)
23 5 gallon (2 with a cider and a cyser going right now)
6 3 gallon (5 filled with various meads aging, and 1 with a Flanders Red aging - damn, I need more of these size ones!))
30+ one gallon and half gallon cider jugs and growlers
17 Kegs
Oh, and did I mention the 53 gallon barrel filled with Flanders Red for the last year?
I have a closet in the basement that I converted to house 24 of these carboys. I try to keep my long suffering ale wife from realizing the sheer quantity by making sure at least a half dozen or so are fermenting something at any given time. This past spring I didn't have much ferementing and she began to notice all of these empty carboys laying around in the basement. She started asking me to put these away and didn't I have a closet for these? I sort of "hide" them until I started up the kettles again, but she is now aware of the sheer quantity of glass ware in my fermenting area.
Did I mention that I have broken 5 carboys in my life? Fortunatly, only one small cut and only one had beer in it, the other 4 were during the cleaning process. Slippery little bugers, aren't they?