Don't let it get you down. You frankly chose a tricky strain for your first attempt and I'd put a lot of the blame on that, not you.
Try planting Cascade ( no brainer to grow and great output ) or Centennial, Chinook, Nugget, or Magnum next year. These are all easier to grow and have generally higher yields than Hallertau, Willamette, or almost any noble hop or noble hop hybrid aroma variety.
Base your choice on what you like to brew and how you will use them too.
I harvested about 2lbs this year dried. I should have had a lot more but lack of rain and really hot, dry air this summer beat them up pretty bad. The bugs ate them up a bit too. I also blame this on lack of rain. It was ridiculously bad weather for hops growing in SW lower Michigan this summer!
I'm using a blend of the Cascade and Centennial to dry hop an IPA in a couple days. It's in primary now and I'm just letting it finish before stuffing them in the carboy.