The issue you just downloaded is right where it was before you downloaded it, in the display of available issues. The "Download" banner that was across the front of it is gone and the issue is available for reading.
I thought that might be the case but it does not seem to be happening. After the downloading stops the download banner is still there and all of the issue icons are locked up (i.e. don't respond in any way when tapped) until I turn the iPad off and on.
The downloading takes awhile so the iPad goes to sleep. I noticed that it seems that whenever the iPad is "awakened" while downloading
Zymurgy the download stops shortly thereafter. I wonder if perhaps the issues are simply not finished downloading when I check on the progress. About how big are these files we're downloading anyways?
Perhaps tonight I will start the download up before going to bed and let things run hopefully to completion. I hope this will resolve the issue but....
Thanks for the help.
- Scott