I must admit I'm quite surprised. Although you didn't repeat this enough times to eliminate chance, it's at least somewhat unlikely that you would guess correctly twice in a row. Did you find yourself mulling over your choice or was it like instantly 'that's it!'. What about the freshness dates on the bottles cans, were they comparable? I'll have to try this myself next time I head to the store.
I'm a bit confused by your taste results, the can was both sweet and bitter? For me when I taste a beer that is sweet it is lacking in bitterness. Bitterness could be from metal exposure, but sweetness has to be a fermentation or recipe issue. You may have had a lot-lot variance which affected the outcome.
If you do the test again, a better one would be a triangle test, where you have two beers from one side and one beer from the other, and you pick out the beer that is different. When doing a single side-by-side, you know they are different and you can sometimes get a false positive this way.