Hopefully "preserve and expand" doesn't mean "cheapen and mass produce". My wife turned me onto Anchor Steam, It can be difficult to get on the east coast but when i do get a case it doesn't last long. I gotta get that clone recipe out and see how it compares to the real thing.
Nothing at all wrong with mass producing if the character of the beers can be maintained. Fritz and Anchor really set the stage for the revival of American beer, and as long as the new owners don't completely blow it, the company can continue to be a force for good in brewing no matter how big they get.
More ANCHOR beer in the world would not be a bad thing...I for one would love to see wider mainstream distribution and availability of their beers,
if the character and quality can be maintained.
As long as they don't start cutting corners, there's no reason why they can't continue to make great beer on a larger scale.
Well done, Mr. Maytag and congratulations.
And for Anchor---onward and upward!