Well now I'm just hungry. Got a great recipe for a stout stew. Gonna do that for sure. As far as heating this thing, do I just sit it in the coals? Is there some trick to getting the right temps, or is it pretty foolproof? And, do I need to cook the sausage and bacon before I put it in with the eggs? Thanks again!
The rest of the site pointed at for the breakfast recipe above has lots of good info on the processes and procedures for camp dutch oven cooking. As for heating, when you're using the oven for frying/browning/etc, you want all the coals under the oven and the lid off. This is how you'd do the sausage and bacon in the previous recipe. Then you want to change over to "oven" mode for the rest of the recipe. In general, you place two-thirds of your coals on top of the oven and leave one-third underneath.
As for the temps, there are rules of thumb for when you're using briquettes - something like "so many degrees per briquette" (exact figures probably somewhere on that website). I find they tend to be a little low. Also they don't do much for regular firewood coals. You just sorta have to play it by ear and keep an eye on things.
But you gotta balance "keeping an eye on things" with one of the other cardinal rules of dutch oven cooking and that is, keep the number of times you lift the lid to an absolute minimum. Every time you remove the lid, it's like opening the door to your oven at home (only worse) and, once you put it back on, it takes a while for things to get back to where they were.
Once you get the hang of things, camp dutch oven cooking becomes an incredible pleasure.