Thought I would post my impressions of this yeast although the beer is not finished.
I decided to take a risk a pitch one expired, non-rehydrated packet into 1.052 wort @ 65F . Activity was evident within 16 hours however it was sluggish for the first 3 days or so as it stuck around 62F. After that it took off and shot up about 8F above ambient temp which I cranked down to 56F in anticipation. It slowed down considerably however much yeast has stayed in suspension. On day 13 I was at 72% attenuation (expecting 80%) so I roused the yeast, warmed it up a few degrees and airlock activity picked back up a bit. I am hoping to get it down at least a couple of more points as it just seems that it doesn't want to quite finish.
Does this strain have a white labs / wyeast equivalent? From what I understand it is not WY1007. After using WY2565 recently it seems to behave a lot like that. Fermentis shows this with high flocculation however the yeast seems to be powdery and wants to sit in suspension. I will fine with gelatin in the keg since I plan to harvest this for future batches.
I realize that a lot of the behavior I am seeing could be related to using expired yeast but considering it took off so quickly I thought I was good to go in that respect. If anyone has any experience with this yeast I would love to hear it. I am curious if my experience it normal for this strain.