I'm pretty critical of healthy alternative recipes as I prefer eating the full on version in moderation but this looks good in its own right. Salting the zucchini so it doesn't give off water layer is a great technique. I salt squash, cucumber and eggplant all the time.
There are two types of "healthy alternative" recipes/foods. One just takes an existing recipe and replaces individual ingredients with others, but is still trying to produce the same end result. Those are always disappointing.
What does work is when you take an idea as inspiration, then build a recipe that stands on its own. I love a good black bean burger, but I can't stand "veggie burgers" that are trying to taste like a hamburger.
I will have to visit this in the summer. Even one zucchini plant can be too much when it's at its peak output. I end up eating a lot of zucchini "noodles" at those times.