I would recommend watching BeerSmith Podcast #82, "Five Tips for Brewers," an interview with John Palmer by Brad Smith. To me, it provides some good suggestions for those who have done a few brews and want to step up their game a bit. It covers sanitizing, fermentation temperature control, yeast management, recipe proportions, and water management. Sanitation gives a few good hints, but you should be doing those already. Recipe proportions will come later on as you develop your own. Ferm temp control and yeast management are among the most important things you could do after sanitation. After watching the video, I bought a small refrigerator and controller to manage my ferm temps consistently and accurately. I also bought a yeast starter kit and started making starters. Later on, after getting into all-grain brewing, I bought the Bru'n Water software, had my water analyzed by Ward Labs, and started making small adjustments to the water. I also bought BeerSmith2 right after watching this video - it helped with knowing how much yeast to pitch, and later on with all-grain details. I think this video could help you decide what to do next - it did for me.