Well just to post a follow-up, I finally brewed this one up and I think I've finally found my malt bill for my house APA. I targeted this for 1.052 with 85% pale malt, 10% munich, and 5% Crystal 40. I didn't have the Chinook or Mt. Hood on hand so I went with 28 IBUs of Simcoe at 60 mins and another 4 IBUs of Amarillo at 20 mins and then dry hopped with a half ounce of each for about a week. Mash temp was 152, fermentation was at 68 and the yeast was US-05. Damn nice well-balanced beer. The hops left if grapefruity as hell, but that's how I like it. Still, maybe I'll do it up with more neutral hops next time just for comparison. At this point though, I wouldn't change a thing as far as the malts.
Thanks for the help!