Hi! My hubby and I are opening up a wood fired pizza restaurant, and we are planning to have a Sabco 2X for our 60 seat place. Our aim is to be known more as restaurant, that serves some wicked in-house craft beer to complement the food my hubby makes. He is a trained chef that has been brewing at home for about 8 years. i wanted to contact the hive mind and ask: how many fermenters would be enough? Based on our IPA/Porter/Wit/session signature beers (3-4, 1200 beers a month, 100bbls a year projection and we will have 1-2 other in-state beers to supplement) we are thinking that we need 6-8 15.5 gallon fermenters or 3-4 1.5 bbl fermenters. Space is a premium, which is why we wanted some others' thoughts. Should we go for more fermenters to start with? I've worked out planning based on bbls. I am an artist by trade so math is not my strong point. Any thoughts would be great and thanks so much.