This is nuts! I have an avatar on all other forums for which I am a member, but I cannot get it to work on this forum for some reason. It used to work, but it no longer works for me.
I ran a couple experiments to see if I could figure this one out, and no, I still cannot figure why I cannot upload my original avatar. Only possibility I can think of is if the rules for avatars has changed. Trouble is, I cannot find those rules. Other forums have avatar guidelines that tell you file size parameters (total bytes allowable, total image size allowable, etc.) but I could not find that information in this forum or in the help guide.
My original avatar is a pretty small image: 65 x 65 (2.48kb)
When I attempt to re-upload that original avatar I get the following message:
An Error Has Occurred!
Your attachment couldn't be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.
Please consult your server administrator for more information.
It all started when I decided to change my avatar. My new proposed avatar has the following parameters: 839 x 660 (205kb)
When I attempted to upload this new avatar I got the error message stated above. So I decided to try the "Upload from Gallery" option and uploaded Bruce Willis. Success; it worked. But I do not want my profile picture to be of Bruce, so I switched back to uploading my own (the new proposed avatar - slightly larger file than the original) When I did this I got the following error message:
The following errors occurred when trying to save your profile:
• The avatar you have selected is either too large or not an avatar.
I really just want to be able to upload my own image for an avatar and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to do it without incurring an error message.
What are the rules for uploading your own image as an avatar on this forum?