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Author Topic: search problems  (Read 5726 times)

Offline kgs

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Re: search problems
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2022, 09:39:48 am »

Keep in mind that there are more than a few non homebrewers on the GC these days, so they might not have much incentive to use the forum.

I have to ask, why would someone want to be on the Governing Committee of the American Homebrewer's Assoc if they do not home brew?

Were these divine appointments or were they elected? I have to ask why homebrewers would elect a non homebrewer to the AHA GC?

The GC is always elected by the membership.

Maybe I missed a name or two, but a Google search for [name] AHA homebrew suggests all of the GC members homebrew to some extent and not too far in the past for those who may currently be caught up in judging and/or association work. I consider myself a homebrewer, me with my two to three brews a year. The intention is there!

Yes, these are elected positions.

Aside: as an association nerd, I found it interesting that the membership doesn't vote on the Bylaws, either as a matter of course or by petition when desired,  but I would also guess that for an association such as AHA, most members aren't aware of the GC or the Bylaws for that matter. I also thought it interesting that a GC member could potentially serve four consecutive three-year terms.
K.G. Schneider
AHA Member