My experience disagrees that distilled water is detrimental. I have brewed at least a half dozen beers with distilled water, and a few of them have been in my Top 10 beers I ever made (out of 80 total batches). I experienced no problems with conversion -- efficiencies ranged from 71% for several of them, to a whopping 96% for my light lager. No discernible problems with clarity or bitterness either. Methinks that malt has enough ions in it to cover 90% of what your beer and yeast need. Based on everything I have read and heard, the primary thing that you *might* want to consider adding for proper yeast health is zinc, and even then, you only need a zillionth of an ounce for 5 gallons. And of course, I never added any and my beers turned out great. So, while on a theoretical level I can't disagree that the lack of nutrients *might* have some impact on beer quality, my experience says not to worry about it, not at all. FWIW.