I ran the stir bar for 24 hours and saw I figured the wort was full of O2...
So I turned it off to see if I could detect anything....then you know how when a carboy is done
with primary and sometimes those little round colonies of yeasties are on the surface???
Cool, I get it. I don't think of that as a colony, but that doesn't mean you can't call it that. To me a colony grows from a single cell on a plate, so I was just confused. No worries.
You are most likely culturing a mixed culture. Without isolating colonies, it will be hard to know what it is exactly. If you look at it under a microscope you might be able to spot the yeast and bacteria that are likely present, if only to confirm that there is a mix. Even if you see only yeast it is likely a mix of yeast.
If you isolate colonies, you can inoculate them in media containing cycloheximide at 5-10 ug/ml. If it grows, it is probably Brett. If it doesn't grow, it is probably Sacc. If you inoculate a mixed culture and get growth then there is probably some Brett, but maybe not only Brett, but if it doesn't grow it is probably only Sacc.
Taste it as you go, because since it is likely a mixed culture it is probable that one strain will dominate at different points and eventually it might not be to your liking.
<edit> fixed typo