Good link, Ron. I like the explanations and data.
I often use the full 5.5 gallons of hot (<140F) water to soak the entire interior of the Better Bottle for a few hours.
This softens up the dried trub and makes it easier to remove the bulk of it before using the cleanser.
I come back a few hours later and dump the water (and most of the crud) out. This reduces the soil load for the next step.
I fill the BB about 1/4 to 1/3 full of warm/hot water (<140 F, usually around 125F if it is from the tap), plug the top, and agitate it by rolling it back and forth on its side. It is an effective way to get the gunk off, but soaking it for a couple of hours for the stubborn stuff may be necessary.
I've gone back to the fermentation/bottling buckets, though. It is just easier and faster to clean/sanitize and to do transfers. I do wonder though if the bucket's HDPE is less than ideal compared to the BB's PET surface. In a ideal world, I'd love to see the BB material used for a fementation/bottling bucket. That way I can still watch the fermentation process (fun!) and rack more easily (no siphons or racking canes). I just won't use glass.