OK, initial setup was "basic" so I got a regulator from LHBS that is just that, a regulator and a low pressure gauge. I now need to add a bottle pressure gauge to that. They're cheap, no problem. Looking at all the regulators (mine is a Corney) it appears that they are all the same in that the 3 o'clock position is the bottle, 12 and 6 are low pressure, be it nipple/tube or gauge, and that 9 is bottle pressure and that's where the bottle gauge goes.
Looking at double regulators it appears that all they do is put a nipple in the 9, then the next regulator and it all repeats as above.
Doesn't it therefore follow that one can add more? One could have 4 regulators with gauges daisy chained, with a bottle pressure gauges at the end.......? This eliminates the need for a manifold and would allow fine tuning of the carbonation for different styles....
Are all my assumptions correct?