I just made a batch of pale AG. Due to being an idiot, I noticed as I was into the bottling process that I had run low
on priming sugar. I live in a place that is 1.5 hours away from a brew store. So, I decided to supplement with regular
household granulated sugar. In fact, of the half cup total, all but 3 tablespoons was granulated.
So, I'm Day 8 tasting. The hops are unnoticeable, but worse yet is that this brew is reminiscent of Dogfish 120. For
those who have not tasted it, it has a cloying sweetness to it that is not very pleasing to me personally. I have never
had a batch that tasted like this - and I'm hoping that it will calm as it ages.
Question then is: did I really screw up by this substitution?