Hey homebrewers. I have been brewing for a while now (all-grain) and I have recently started running into an issue with my ales. I keep winding up with high FGs, and seemingly can't bring them down. I LOVE beer with a big body, so this isn't a problem until I shoot for a low FG I come in high. For instance,
Saison: OG 1.064, FG 1.033
Brown Ale: OG 1.080, FG 1.041
IPA: 1.062, FG 1.027
RIS: OG 1.112, FG 1.052!
I employ a stepped infusion mash, and all of these had at least a partial A-amylase conversion at higher temp, hence more body, but they also all had a B-amylase rests. My B-amylase rest temp is in the 146-148 degF range, and my A-amylase temp range is 158-160. I have been using mostly Belgian Saison, Belgian Abbey Ale, East Coast Ale and Dry English Ale yeasts. Can anyone troubleshoot my issues? I feel like sooner or later my high FGs will make infection more possible and/or more noticeable and damaging. Thanks & Cheers!