I know dbeechum has a thread going on fastest turn around but I don't want to hijack it so here goes.
My neighbour is having his birthday party 2 weeks Saturday. He mentioned to my wife today that he should have put in his order for beer before and that now it's too late. I'm wondering if it's not too late.
What's the best suggestion for style and OG to get this done. I'm thinking 11 days in primary and then right to the keg to force carb. Want to make sure I clean up any diacetyl so I want to leave it on the yeast as long as I can.
Here's what I have to work with:
Pale and MO malts
Chocolate, carafa ll, roast barley, crystal 45, 1 lb flaked corn, malted rye ( 5 lbs), Vienna ( 5 lbs) - saving the Vienna for an O'fest.
Northern Brewer, East Kent Goldings, Amarillo leaf, Cascade leaf, Liberty leaf, Hallertau pellets, Tettnanger pellets ( was keeping the Hallertau and Tettnanger for an O'fest but if i have to...)
White labs California Ale X 2, harvested Wyeast London III, harvested Wyeast 2112 California lager. Both the harvested yeast probably need a starter. (Also have WLP833 but not using that).
What about this for 10 gals? (2X5 gal glass carboys)
12 lbs of Pale
1 lb crystal 45
1 lb flaked corn
1 oz NB at 60
1/2 oz of EKG at 15
Any reason to add rye malt to this? Bought the rye for Cali Common clones which I keep hearing may have some rye in them.
I may consider adding a touch of carafa II because my friend really likes a cream ale we have here that is more amber than pale, I think that this will add some colour without adding a lot of flavour and impacting the mouthfeel I'm after with the corn. Thoughts?
Beertools says that this would be close, but not exact for a cream ale, marginally too bitter and marginally too dark but pretty close. I'm looking for something in the 4 - 4.5 % ABV range. I'm using 83% for my efficiency calculation based on my last few batch sparges. If I closely manage the temps, can this be done and decent tasting in 2 weeks?
Please make suggestions but I'll probably give this a try tomorrow, Saturday at the latest.