Let's see if this comes over
I took my second partial mash really seriously. The first go around I had some heat loss at the end and ending up swinging too far the other way. The beer turned out fine by I still wanted a better way to control the mash. Then I discovered the Oven Method online.
Put all my grain in my big bag
Use daughter (aka BabyRaptor) to collect 7 qts of water
Heat said water to 165
While heating water set oven to 170
Put the grain and water into my kettle along with salts and chemicals, stir and check temperature then put the kettle in the oven for an hour
Do other stuff
The temperature held at 154 for 60 minutes
During which I heated my sprage water to 170
I used a metal steamer to hold the grain while I lauder
One litter at a time