don't be hesitant to seek the little guys too, as there are some great places stuck all over.
Strange - Denver (highlands)
Copper Kettle - Denver (cherry creek-ish)
Denver Chop House - Denver (downtown - one block down the street from Wynkoop)
Pints Pub - Denver (downtown by civic center park). They have their own beers plus others. Traditional English beers and food fare.
Dry Dock - Aurora
Golden City - Golden (and go to Woody's for pizza afterward). You won't be dissapointed in Golden, I love it there and wish we still lived there, even though we only live 10min away now.
Rockyard - Castle Rock
Elk Mountain - Parker
These are all within 30min of downtown Denver. There are so many options in Denver, you won't be able to stop at all of them.
I would really encourage a trip to Golden. It's such a great town. Washington Street (the main drag through town) is always hopping. Nice shops, awesome food (but when you see the lines at Woody's you'll get a feeling that it's the best there), great people watching, etc. Golden City brewery is just west of downtown by the creek, 3 blocks from Coors.
If you're interested, I might be able to meet up for a beer.