Freakin' kegging. I love it and I hate it. Yesterday I hated it.
I went to pressurize a newly kegged IPA yesterday and all I get is loud hissing from the junction between the regulator and my 5# CO2 bottle. This bottle has been around a while (that is, I have not filled it recently, or ever actually) and never leaked. Now it was gushing. It had been in my kegorator at 34F as all I had in there was yeast I had harvested and was saving for use yesterday in a perry. I have never had it in the kegorator that cold before. I took the regulator off, checked the gasket, reassembled, no good. I took it off again, put on some teflon tape and reassembled. That helped some, but still leaking badly. So I set it aside to bottle some other batches. When I finished those, I came back to the CO2 bottle to mess with it some more. By then it had warmed up considerably sitting in the house. Lo, and behold! The freakin' thing works fine, no leaks.
Y'all ever seen this behavior? What do you think, replace the regulator gasket? This really irks me as I like to leave live pressure on my kegs and now I don't trust the bottle not to leak.