For me this normally means means IPA, brown porter, wit, some bitters, saison, mild ale or...but this year I actually feel like making a very small citrus/spice dryish ale. I'm shooting for a well rounded character, let me know what you think of the following basic recipe.
5.5 gal, 1.047ish, 18ibu
Mash @ 151 for 50 min, 2 qt/lb
5.25 lb Pils
4 lb Mild or Special Aromatic or mix
12 oz CaraWheat 56L
1 oz Kent Golding @ FWH
2-3 oz Kent Golding @ 2 minutes
Spices @ 5 minutes
0.75 gm Cumin
0.75 gm Dried Ginger
?? Mixed Peppercorns (crushed)
10 gm Sweet Orange Peel
5 gm Lemon Peel
European Ale at the lower end of the range
Any suggestions?