What's wrong with a $.05 charge for those pesky plastic bags? Maybe people would start to (a) reuse their old ones or better yet (b) invest a buck or 2 in a canvas bag that would last years. I'd much prefer to be charged for a bag vs having the checkout person forget to deduct the "bag refund".
Other ways to go green when brewing?
I have a dedicated canvas shopping bag that goes to the homebrew store for my purchase.
I capture most if not all of the water from my wort chiller - the hottest goes into a bucket to off-gas the Cl and to be used as brewing liquor for the next batch, warm water goes to clean up the current batch, and the cold stuff goes to water the indoor plants (or trees when it's dry).
My spent grains go in the compost pile.
Oh, by the way, they've been charging for bags in Germany for years (at least the shop in Heidelberg that we'd go to when visiting my wife's grandmother).
my 5 bag refunds