That does make sense... I wish I could remember where I read that... It was a quote from one of the White labs guys. I'm sure it's fine to go at room temp if you're doing it and have no problems with diacetyl and such.
I was being extra careful, since Jamil's recipe doesnt call for a diacetyl rest. I thought I'd try and keep everything as consistent as possible.
Chris and Jamil's Yeast book does recommend to go at around 65 for a lager starter and around 75 for an ale starter. MIght just be splitting hairs and room temp is fine. Though they strongly recommend a diacetyl rest for lagers and don't mention that pitching at fermentation temp results in very little diacetyl production, supposedly.
I'm just worrying over something that doesnt really matter, since the starter is going to be decanted anyway. Someone's quote just convinced me to go too conservative by feeding my unnecessary worry into my wort lol. \