Caribbean Stout? You betchya! This lighter-bodied Stout, a sub-category of Foreign Stout, is a sweeter and often more fruity version of the style. These beers make a perfect addition to adventures in the snow or on the beach, your call. This recipe is located in Stout, Volume 10 of Classic Beer Style Series by Michael J. Lewis
Caribbean Stout? You betchya! This lighter-bodied Stout, a sub-category of Foreign Stout, is a sweeter and often more fruity version of the style. These beers make a perfect addition to adventures in the snow or on the beach, your call. This recipe is located in Stout, Volume 10 of Classic Beer Style Series by Michael J. Lewis
- (3.7 kg) Pale Malt
- (260 g) Roatsed Barley
- (240 g) Dark Crystal
- (145 g) Chocolate Malt
- (665 g) Rice Syrup
- (40 g) East Kent Goldings 5.5% a.a. (60 min)
- 4 packets (or adequate starter)
- Wyeast 1084 or White Labs Irish Ale
Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)
Original Gravity: 1.07
Boil Time: 60 minutes
Single infusion mash at 156°F for 60 minutes. 60 minute boil. Ferment between 62°F – 72°F for desired fruitiness.
Extract Version
Replace pale malt with 6.75 lbs pale liquid extract, steep grains at 160°F for 15 minutes prior to boil.

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