Homebrew Toxicology: Debunking the Hidden Dangers of Chemicals in Your Brew System

  • Speaker: Paul Hanlon
  • Track: Other/Misc.
  • Homebrew Con 2015
  • San Diego, CA

Discussion boards have many active threads warning homebrewers of the hidden dangers of chemicals introduced into their homebrew through plastics, metals and other means. Unfortunately, much of this information is based more on Internet lore more than scientific evidence, and in many cases leads well-meaning homebrewers to invest in costly upgrades to their systems with the perceived benefit of making “safer” homebrew. By providing some background and giving some examples from a toxicologist’s point of view, Paul will provide information you can use to determine whether these changes actually have an impact on your brew, or if you could instead be using your money to brew some extra batches of beer.

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