PME Trail #2, Batch #4
gold medal cider


PME Trail #2, Batch #4

Sulfite according to pH of must (dosage chart at Add CaCl2 and PME (not the same thing as pectic/pectolytic enzyme) 24 hours after sulfitization to help induce brown cap. PME may be added earlier during maceration to…

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E-Dawg Baked Apple
gold medal cider-recipe


E-Dawg Baked Apple

Start with 5 gallons of cider and freeze the remaining gallon. Unless you are starting with a pasteurized cider add sugars, yeast nutrient and Camden tablets or sodium metabisulfite 24 hours before you plan to pitch your yeast.…

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Beer in Colonial Times
Colonial Beer Brewing


Beer in Colonial Times

Originally published in the May/June 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. The idea that "home brew'd is best" is probably intuitively obvious to most homebrewers and beer lovers. It was not so apparent to the newly independent citizenry of the United…

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