I am here for a first time in the forum and have a question with regards to a few ales I recently brewed.
1. In early March I brewed a MaiBock, Doppelbock, and Pilsner roughly about a week apart each. According to the instructions as I understand it for lagers at the time, I was to use primary fermentation for 5-7 days, then 24 hour diacetyl rest and secondary fermentation for a few months. Well, I see now that I have gotten that wrong. My lagers have been sitting in secondary fermentation, in 5 gal. better bottles, for 2+ months at 50 degrees in my basement. Two weeks after botteling the Maibock, I have no carbonation, but the flavor and ABV are correct. Also, I didn't use the supplied corn sugar, rather 5oz of belgian sugar.
2. Is there a way to save these brews? or will l have to wait for Fall or Winter to try ales again?