If you are a beer enthusiast and/or homebrewer in Massachusetts, please continue reading. If not, please do NOT contact the legislative in Massachusetts.
Feb. 7, 2018
The Massachusetts Brewers Guild is asking you to act immediately to request that your State legislators release legislation beneficial to local craft brewers.
Please read the following information provided by the Massachusetts Brewers Guild.
Today, the State House faces an imminent deadline.
In order for bills to be voted into law this year, they first need to be released from their legislative committees by today, February 7, 2018. To support local craft brewers, we fiercely advocate for franchise law reform. We have secured incredible support for this legislation, but need your voice today in order to overcome this hurdle.
https://massbrewersguild.org/#take-action-sectionPlease lend your voice. Click the button above and tell your State Representative to support craft brewers, some of the Commonwealth's greatest economic drivers, by encouraging the release of House Bill 183 and Senate Bill 136.
Katie Stinchon
Executive Director
Massachusetts Brewers Guild
Thanks for supporting the small and independent brewers of Massachusetts.
Bob Pease
President & CEO
Brewers Association
Gary Glass
American Homebrewers Association