Anderfest Festbier

ABV: 6% by volume

IBU: 22

SRM: 4

OG: 1.056

FG: 1.011

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Ian Anderson, member of the Boston Wort Processors, won best of show out of 337 entries at the Southern New England Homebrew Competition in October 2019 for his festbier, Anderfest.

The Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) describes Festbier (BJCP category 4B) as the following:

A smooth, clean, pale German lager with a moderately strong malty flavor and a light hop character. Deftly balances strength and drinkability, with a palate impression and finish that encourages drinking. Showcases elegant German malt flavors without becoming too heavy or filling.


Brewed 14 times

Ian Anderson, member of the Boston Wort Processors, won best of show out of 337 entries at the Southern New England Homebrew Competition in October 2019 for his festbier, Anderfest.

The Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) describes Festbier (BJCP category 4B) as the following:

A smooth, clean, pale German lager with a moderately strong malty flavor and a light hop character. Deftly balances strength and drinkability, with a palate impression and finish that encourages drinking. Showcases elegant German malt flavors without becoming too heavy or filling.


  • MALT
  • 7 lbs 8.0 oz SPM Pilsner (1.7 SRM)
  • 2 lbs BEST Vienna (BESTMALZ) (4.6 SRM)
  • 8.0 oz BEST Chit Malt (BESTMALZ) (1.3 SRM)
  • HOPS
  • 1.50 oz Hallertauer Mittelfrueh 2018, Boil 60.0 min
  • 0.50 oz Hallertauer Mittelfrueh 2018, Boil 15.0 min
  • 2 packets Saflager Lager (DCL/Fermentis W-34/70)


Yield: 5 US.. gallons

Original Gravity: 1.056

Final Gravity: 1.011

ABV: 6% by volume

IBU: 22

SRM: 4

Boil Time: 60 min


Water Treatment Targeted the “Yellow Full” Brunwater profile, using Boston-area MWRA tap water.

  • Mash
  • 4.16 gallons water
  • 1.2g CaCl
  • 1.2g gypsum
  • 0.4g Epsom Salt
  • 200mg Kmeta
  • 0.6g Brewtan B
  • 2.1ml lactic acid
  • 5.36 estimated mash ph
  • Sparge
  • 2.86 gallons water
  • 0.9g CaCl
  • 0.9g gypsum
  • 0.3g Epsom Salt
  • 100mg Kmeta
  • 0.3g Brewtan b
  • 0.7ml lactic acid

Mash at 153° F for 60 minutes. Pitch 2 packs of yeast directly into 54° F wort, put in chamber set to 58° F. When the specific gravity is under 1.020, transfer to serving keg with spunding valve set to 15 psi to (mostly) naturally carbonate. Ramp up to 61° F to encourage yeast to clean up and finish strong. Once the final gravity is stable for 3 days, take off spunding valve and ramp down ambient temperature 3 degrees/day until in the 30s. Let lager for a few weeks or start enjoying it right away if you’re impatient like me!

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