Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.
Benjamin Frymark of San Diego, CA, a member of QUAFF, won a gold medal in Category 44: Braggot in the 2024 National Homebrew Competition Final Round. Frymark, with the help of Doug Brown and Jenny Chua-Tuan, earned gold for the braggot out of 13 entries.
This recipe combines cream ale and mead, both of which are brewed separately and then blended to create a braggot. The recipe below contains the ingredients and instructions for the beer and the mead, as well as guidance on blending the two to create the braggot.
Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.
Benjamin Frymark of San Diego, CA, a member of QUAFF, won a gold medal in Category 44: Braggot in the 2024 National Homebrew Competition Final Round. Frymark, with the help of Doug Brown and Jenny Chua-Tuan, earned gold for the braggot out of 13 entries.
This recipe combines cream ale and mead, both of which are brewed separately and then blended to create a braggot. The recipe below contains the ingredients and instructions for the beer and the mead, as well as guidance on blending the two to create the braggot.
Note: Below are the ingredients for a cream ale beer and mead, which are brewed separately. You will find specific instructions for the beer and mead under the directions, along with blending instructions.
Cream Ale Recipe Ingredients:
- 4 lb. (1.81 kg) Muntons Pale Planet malt
- 4 lb. (1.81 kg) Weyermann Extra Pale Pilsner malt
- 2.75 lb. (1.25 kg) flaked corn
- 0.25 oz. (7 g) Cashmere @ 90 min
- 0.5 oz. (14 g) Cashmere @ 5 min
- Safale US-05
- 4 grams each of CaSO4 and CaCl2 and 1 gram each of MgSO4 and baking soda added to RO
Mead Recipe Ingredients:
- 5 lb. (2.27 kg) wildflower honey
- 1 packet Red Star Premier Cuvée
- 1.65 g. Fermaid O, in primary @ 24 hours
- 1.65 g. Fermaid O, in primary @ 48 hours
- 1.65 g. Fermaid O, in primary @ 72 hours
- 1.65 g. Fermaid O, in primary @ 1/3 sugar break
- Potassium sorbate to stabilize post-fermentation
- Sodium metabisulfite to stabilize post-fermentation
- Acid blend to taste, post-fermentation
- Wine tannin to taste, post-fermentation
- Florida Orange Blossom Honey, to back-sweeten to taste
Yield: See Recipe
Original Gravity: See Recipe
ABV: Varies
This recipe involves blending a cream ale and a mead, which are produced separately. This recipe contains the cream ale recipe, the mead recipe, and instructions for blending the two.
Cream Ale Recipe Directions:
Mash for 90 minutes at 148°F (64°C), then mash out at 168°F (76°C) for 10 minutes. Ferment at 69°F (21°C).
Mead Recipe Directions:
Blend 5 pounds wildflower honey with enough spring water to reach target O.G of 1.075 (approximately 2 gallons, or 7.57 L). Pitch 1 packet of Red Star Premier Cuvée yeast and ferment at approximately 65°F (18°C). Degas regularly. The total amount of Fermaid-O that will be added is 6.6 g; additions at 24, 48, 72 hours. The fourth is added at the 1/3 sugar break. After 3–4 weeks, when fermentation is complete (essentially just less than 1.00 F.G.) rack the mead off the yeast cake into another clean vessel. Stabilize with potassium metabisulfite and potassium sorbate. After stabilization, balance with acid and tannin, and back-sweeten with Florida orange blossom honey to the desired semi-sweet level. Age accordingly to mellow and clarify.
Braggot Blending Directions:
Calculate the desired blend ratio of mead and beer. This is done by several trials on a small scale. This product was approximately 1/3 semi-sweet mead, and 2/3 base beer. Using a counter-pressure bottler, blend on bottling day by adding the mead to the bottle, and topping it off with the beer.

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