Red ales are known for their malty taste and aroma, this lends to a nice medium body despite the beer's lower gravity. Bitterness is balanced to express the malt over the hop characteristics, and usually finishes off with a nice round finish. Brew this Irish ale in the middle of February and have this easy drinker ready for St Patty’s day!
Photo © Christer Edvartsen via Flickr CC
Red ales are known for their malty taste and aroma, this lends to a nice medium body despite the beer's lower gravity. Bitterness is balanced to express the malt over the hop characteristics, and usually finishes off with a nice round finish. Brew this Irish ale in the middle of February and have this easy drinker ready for St Patty’s day!
Photo © Christer Edvartsen via Flickr CC
- 4.25 lb Briess Golden Light Dry Malt Extract
- 1.0 lb Briess 10L Caramel Malt
- 3 oz Briess Extra Special Malt
- 2 oz Briess Roasted Barley
- 0.5 lb Honey
- 2.0 oz E.K. Goldings, 4.75% alpha acid (60 minutes)
- 0.5 oz E.K. Goldings, 4.75% aplha acid (15 minutes)
- 1 Vial White Labs WLP004 Irish Ale or Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale Yeast
- 1.25 cups Briess Golden Light dry malt extract (priming sugar)
Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)
Original Gravity: 1.05
IBU: 22
Boil Time: 60 minutes
Steep grains in one gallon of 150º F water for 20 minutes. Remove grains and sparge with 1 gallon of 170º F water. Stir in extract and honey then bring to a boil. Add first hop addition. Boil for 45 minutes then add second hop addition. Boil 15 minutes more, then add to fermenter filled with 3 gallons of cold water (top-up to 5 gallons if necessary). When temperature drops below 75º F, pitch yeast and aerate well. Ferment at ale temperature for two weeks. When fermentation is complete, bottle with 1.25 cups of Briess Golden Light dry malt extract or siphon into sanitized party pigs with 0.25-0.33 cups of Briess Golden Light dry malt extract in each. If you are kegging, prime with 0.55 cups of Briess Golden Light dry malt extract or force carbonate.
- Fermentation time: 2 weeks at 65ºF-68 ºF

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