any fermentation that gives you the results you wanted.
That was becoming apparant to me as I finished typing my OP.
I guess i was thinking about something like this:
After pitching yeast:
1) Assuming a properly sealed fermenter; initial signs of activity are desired within 8 - 80hrs. Ideally, signs of activity should occur within 12-24hrs.
2) Vigorousity
(huh?) should produce rapid bubbling (if using an airlock). Ideally, bubbling should occur at a rate of ~1 or more bubbles per second. Fermentation should not be violent or produce excessive blow-off assuming adequate headspace has been included in the fermentation vessel.
3) .........
OK, sorry. I'm boring myself now. The Mentalist is on and the tricerahops is kickin' in but my quandry remains.
Thanks again.