Did you make these yourself or are they from some $5/logo website?
The reason I ask is because if you are making your own logo, good effort for a non-designer. On the other hand, if it is one of those cheapo "100 logos for a $1" sites I would say this:
Do yourself the favor and hire a real graphic designer that is actually going to put some thought and heart/soul into the design. There is alot more to logo design than just typing the words into photoshop and throwing a picture of a bug on it with a bunch of builtin effects. It takes years to get good at it and throwing 15 crappy versions of the same logo onto a table is no way to choose an image that will represent you, your business, your employees or your products.
Just like you wouldn't farm out your legal/accounting/electrical/plumbing work to some 14 yr old kid on the internet, don't do it with the face of your business either. Your logo and brand are just as important as any other part of your business and its the first thing people will see and remember, its the beginning of the relationship between you and your customers.
Here are some other things to think about: does that logo work on all colored backgrounds? Different materials? How does it look really small on a business card? Or really large on a poster or banner? A designer will keep all of these things in mind when creating your logo.
Do me a favor, before your pick one of those, go to googlemaps, make sure its set to your home location and type in graphic design. Choose the top 3 results and call them, ask them if they would give a free consult, I bet you they will. Go there! Meet them! Spend a few minutes explaining your brewery idea, who you are and what you want to represent and be known for. I guarantee you will find atleast one place who cares. You'll know it as soon as you meet them because they will be the ones that ask good questions and are excited to learn about you and help create something truly unique and wonderful.
Or pick one of those other ones. In my professional opinion, the only one that has the potential to lead to something worthwhile is #2. Oh and btw, #6 has a spelling error.
Just my $1.25 (because that was alot more than .02¢!)