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Author Topic: Logo Feedback  (Read 27081 times)

Offline peteck727

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Logo Feedback
« on: April 23, 2013, 07:42:22 pm »
Hey fellow brewers,
We are currently working on developing a logo for our soon-to-be brewery and could use some feedback. Please check out the logos posted on our facebook page and leave comments on the logos you like (or hate)!

ps like our facebook page while your at it! haha

Offline majorvices

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Logo Feedback
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 07:54:41 pm »
Seeing as I'm a graphic designer AND professional brewery owner I'd love to give critique on yer logo. But I'm not sure how to use the face books. Can't you just post the images here?

Utterly a shame to me that we have become a society where we assume everyone uses Facebook... Just sayin' ;)

Offline tschmidlin

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 08:44:49 pm »
Utterly a shame to me that we have become a society where we assume everyone uses Facebook... Just sayin' ;)
I'm with you on that.  I went to look up a place yesterday only to find out they don't have a web page, just some crap on facebook.  I don't want to have to like a place on facebook and get spam from them when all I want is to look up some info, and finding them on facebook can be a PITA.

I looked at the logos - I prefer the bug shape in #2 over #1, so that leaves, 2, 3, 13-17.

I don't really like the scratched logo look in 3 and 17.
I don't like the font of 17.
I don't like the colors of 2 and 13, it would be better reversed.
I don't know why there are gaps in 15 and 16, not a fan.
Not sure why there are 2 bugs in 14.
18 is pretty good, but I think I'd prefer #3 with a complete ring around it.

But if you're calling it Big Bug, why not go with a logo with one of these:

Or these:

Or these:

Because those are big bugs.  Ladybugs (which is what your logo looks like) are tiny.

Just the $0.02 of a random guy on the internet who will try your beer no matter what your logo looks like.
Tom Schmidlin

Offline tonyp

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2013, 10:00:37 pm »
Did you make these yourself or are they from some $5/logo website?

The reason I ask is because if you are making your own logo, good effort for a non-designer. On the other hand, if it is one of those cheapo "100 logos for a $1" sites I would say this:

Do yourself the favor and hire a real graphic designer that is actually going to put some thought and heart/soul into the design. There is alot more to logo design than just typing the words into photoshop and throwing a picture of a bug on it with a bunch of builtin effects. It takes years to get good at it and throwing 15 crappy versions of the same logo onto a table is no way to choose an image that will represent you, your business, your employees or your products.

Just like you wouldn't farm out your legal/accounting/electrical/plumbing work to some 14 yr old kid on the internet, don't do it with the face of your business either. Your logo and brand are just as important as any other part of your business and its the first thing people will see and remember, its the beginning of the relationship between you and your customers.

Here are some other things to think about: does that logo work on all colored backgrounds? Different materials? How does it look really small on a business card? Or really large on a poster or banner? A designer will keep all of these things in mind when creating your logo.

Do me a favor, before your pick one of those, go to googlemaps, make sure its set to your home location and type in graphic design. Choose the top 3 results and call them, ask them if they would give a free consult, I bet you they will. Go there! Meet them! Spend a few minutes explaining your brewery idea, who you are and what you want to represent and be known for. I guarantee you will find atleast one place who cares. You'll know it as soon as you meet them because they will be the ones that ask good questions and are excited to learn about you and help create something truly unique and wonderful.

Or pick one of those other ones. In my professional opinion, the only one that has the potential to lead to something worthwhile is #2. Oh and btw, #6 has a spelling error.

Just my $1.25 (because that was alot more than .02¢!) :D

Live from the Jersey Shore!

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Offline klickitat jim

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2013, 10:12:18 pm »
Sorry no Facebook.

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Offline reverseapachemaster

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2013, 10:13:21 pm »
I liked the 12th one the most. I thought it was a good balance between an interesting design and easy to read and identify.

I also wondered whether these were from one of those discount/bulk logo websites. They aren't necessarily bad but none of them leap off the page as something unique you would rely on for marketing a memorable image. If you're just looking for something to identify the brewery there's nothing wrong with it.

Should you decide you would like something more creative I do have a referral to offer for a gal who does marketing/branding and does have some experience working with breweries and wineries among other industries.
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Offline tonyp

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 10:13:24 pm »
That wasn't meant to be an angry rant, I hope it didn't come off as such.  I really just want you to do well and I also care about good design.

Live from the Jersey Shore!

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Offline tschmidlin

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2013, 10:51:00 pm »
Some of the logos kind of remind me of this one from a local brewery where I know and like the owner, brewer, and several of the other guys that work there.

Tom Schmidlin

Offline garc_mall

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2013, 11:30:46 pm »
Some of the logos kind of remind me of this one from a local brewery where I know and like the owner, brewer, and several of the other guys that work there.

My only problem with Big Al is that it is a long drive to White Center.

On the logo question. I have no idea.

Offline tschmidlin

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2013, 12:25:39 am »
Some of the logos kind of remind me of this one from a local brewery where I know and like the owner, brewer, and several of the other guys that work there.

My only problem with Big Al is that it is a long drive to White Center.

On the logo question. I have no idea.
I tried the new IPA at cask fest - it was awesome.  I'm hoping to find it at MnV.
Tom Schmidlin

Offline SecondRow_Sean

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2013, 08:07:01 am »
I'll have to disagree on the whole "don't use a design website to create your business logo" argument. There are several reputable crowd sourcing type sites that work very well (99 Designs is one of them). But like everything else, you get what you pay for. If you pick the lower tier pricing system, and don't offer instructions or feedback, you won't attract talented, qualified designers. If you set up your contest correctly, with a decent pay off, you'd be amazed at what these designers come up with. In my opinion, it's a great way to get multiple designers to work on your logo.

Offline klickitat jim

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2013, 08:33:44 am »
If ever I went pro (give me a minute... hahahaha oh, wooo! That's a good one) if I did, i would do a sit down with a pro and once they knew me, I would let them run with it. Then do a testing with target audience. Logo can say a ton about you, your company, and your product. Almost as important as what's inside. If you consider BMC as a model, its apparently more important than what's inside.

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Offline nateo

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2013, 08:49:06 am »
Here's my feedback
Criteria from:

Describable - yes, it's a bug
Memorable - no, it looks like every other logo
Effective without colour - yes
Scalable i.e. work when just an inch in size - yes
Relevant to the industry in question - no

Here are good examples of logos, as far as being memorable and relevant: UPS (a package), the World Wildlife Fund (panda bear), ToysRUs (you can tell they sell toys).

WTF does a bug have to do with brewing?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 08:54:24 am by nateo »
In der Kürze liegt die Würze.

Offline SecondRow_Sean

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2013, 08:49:17 am »
I'm also not understanding the aversion to Facebook. It's certainly not my favorite website, and can be quite annoying at times, but used properly it can give you access to large amounts of people that other advertising doesn't (and cheaper also). For a brewery in planning, I think it would be instrumental. It helps you update your "fans" on your progress, while obtaining feedback. Most people probably aren't going to log onto your web site every week to see updates, but they'll sure go on FB and see what you have to say.

And if the updates are really that annoying, just go ahead and remove them from your status feed. It's quite easy.

Offline klickitat jim

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Re: Logo Feedback
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2013, 09:01:32 am »
Its not so much Facebook but who is watching.  :o

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