Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.
Larry & Donna Reuter of Akron, OH, a member of the Society of Akron Area Zymurgists (SAAZ) homebrew club, won a gold medal in Category 19: Strong American Ale in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. The Reuter’s American Barleywine earned gold out of 107 entries.
Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.
Larry & Donna Reuter of Akron, OH, a member of the Society of Akron Area Zymurgists (SAAZ) homebrew club, won a gold medal in Category 19: Strong American Ale in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. The Reuter’s American Barleywine earned gold out of 107 entries.
- 19 lb. (8.62 kg) Maris Otter
- 1 lb. (454 g) crystal 40°L
- 8 oz. (227 g) crystal 80°L
- 4 oz. (113 g) Special B
- 4 oz. (113 g) dextrin malt
- 1 lb. (454 g) dextrose
- 0.75 oz. (21 g) Cascade, 5.8% a.a., FWH
- 0.75 oz. (21 g) Centennial, 12.8% a.a., FWH
- 0.75 oz. (21 g) Chinook, 10% a.a., FWH
- 1.25 oz. (35 g) Cascade, 5.8% a.a., whirlpool
- 1.25 oz. (35 g) Centennial, 12.8% a.a., whirlpool
- 1.25 oz. (35 g) Chinook, 10% a.a., whirlpool
- 1 oz. (28 g) Cascade, 5.8% a.a., dry hop 4 days
- 2 oz. (57 g) Centennial, 12.8% a.a.,
- dry hop 4 days
- 1 oz. (28 g) Chinook, 10% a.a., dry hop 4 days
- 1000 mL starter Chico
- Ca 5 ppm, Mg 42 ppm, Na 60 ppm, Cl 80 ppm, SO4 20 ppm
- 1 tsp. Irish moss @ 10 min
Yield: 5 US gal. (18.9 L)
Original Gravity: 1.096 (22.9°P)
Final Gravity: 1.018 (4.6°P)
ABV: 11.2%
IBU: 100
SRM: 17
Mash at 150°F (66°C) for 90 min. Target mash pH of 5.3. Batch or fly sparge for 15 to 30 min. Boil 90 min. Add whirlpool hops when wort reaches 190°F (88°C) and whirlpool at that temperature for 30 minutes. Chill with whirlpool hops in the wort, to 60–62°F (16–17°C), then aerate and pitch yeast. Ferment 21 days in primary, then dry hop for 4 days. Keg with 3.5 oz. (99 g) of corn sugar in a simple syrup and allow carbonation to develop over 2 weeks. Crash cool to 30°F (-1°C) and hold 2 weeks, then age until ready to serve. Same recipe won in 2019. Enjoy!!

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